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Debra Miezala
Lessons From A Snoop: Collaterals and Associates
Crucial information on direct ancestors is often found by nosing into the lives of collateral relatives, associates and neighbors. Case studies present examples of invaluable finds.
Debra S Mieszala is a Certified GenealogistSM specializing in forensic genealogy, 20th century research, and the Midwest. She does genealogical research for the military to locate relatives of service members missing in past wars, and formerly did adoption-related research as a Confidential Intermediary in Illinois. A national-level lecturer and author, she has taught at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research. Debbie has been published in NGS Magazine, The Digital Genealogist, and OnBoard! As a member of the BCG Outreach Committee, she writes press releases on newly certified genealogists. She has attended IGHR and NIGR, and holds a certificate in paralegal studies.
The North Suburban Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 3032, Glenview IL 60025
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