The North Suburban Genealogical Society
Preserving the 
Future Generations



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My DNA results are in! What do they mean?

  • 11 Sep 2021
  • 1:00 PM
  • Zoom Link hosted by Northbrook Library

My DNA results are in! What do they mean?  

Speaker: Suz Bates

Q: I have my results and it's a list of people. What do I do with it? What do the results mean?

R: You have your DNA test results. How do you begin to use your results to rev-up your family history research? What is the difference between Paper Trail family history research and DNA Trail genealogy research and how do they come together to fill out your family tree? Suz Bates, a local genealogist, will present tools and techniques to begin your explorations today.

This program is co-sponsored with the Norhtbrook Library.

Registration is required on the library event page to receive Zoom Link from the library.

Click HERE to register.

The registration form asks for your details: name, email etc. You DO NOT have to enter a library card number.

The North Suburban Genealogical Society,   P.O. Box 3032,   Glenview IL  60025

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