The North Suburban Genealogical Society
Preserving the 
Future Generations



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PANDEMIC 1918! Combating the Influenza Epidemic During the Great War

  • 18 Apr 2020
  • 1:00 PM
  • online Webinar

Online Presentation

PANDEMIC 1918!  

Combating the Influenza Epidemic During the Great War.

Speaker: Tina Beaird.  Author, Historian & Lecturer

Tina Beaird is the owner of Tamarack Genealogy. She is a genealogy & local history librarian at a mid-sized Chicagoland public library. She holds a Masters of Library and Information Science degree with a specialization in Archives/Preservation from Dominican University in River Forest, IL. Tina has won multiple research and digitization grants over the last decade to preserve and digitize historic documents and photographs.

The North Suburban Genealogical Society,   P.O. Box 3032,   Glenview IL  60025

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